Yesterday marked 8 weeks since Jack was born 16 weeks too early. We're halfway to his due date. This last week Jack started off strong, showing small but steady respiratory improvement and tolerating more calories in his feedings. He was stable enough that Lisa was able to hold him skin-to-skin daily for several days in a row. We are so grateful for good days and sweet moments with our strong little man, and God has given us many over the last two months. But if there's one thing we've learned in this tempest it's that things can and will change very quickly, and unfortunately Jack's week didn't end as well as it started.

On Thursday evening our medical team found evidence of potential infection in Jack’s gut. Further examination revealed that he has Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) or an inflamed gut that can lead to bowel wall break down. In some cases of NEC, part of the bowel has to be surgically removed. The concern now is that he is at risk of developing a perforation of the intestine and spillage of bacteria into the abdomen, which can result in an overwhelming infection and death. Thankfully our amazing team at Loma Linda caught it early and Jack seems to be responding well to the treatment. Please pray that this inflammation heals and that Jack will not need additional surgery to resolve it. Beyond the implications of the surgery itself, it would mean re-intubation and likely more damage to his lungs in the process.

Jack's team will be watching him very closely over the next week. His feedings have been stopped in order to rest his gut and he's getting nutrition and meds intravenously. Given his remarkable track record of bouncing back from very serious complications, we are hopeful that the Lord will sustain him through this one as well. Thank you for staying engaged with Jack's story and for faithfully holding us up in prayer and in a thousand other ways. We are running a marathon with no sense of how far out the finish line is, so please know that every expression of support and encouragement is deeply meaningful as the track stretches out indefinitely. Thank you for enduring with us.
Psalm 61:2 - When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.

Friends , thinking of you often and praying The last update was good news. Little Jack seems to be making progress. GODS continued blessings on you and my love. Edna
In my heart, in my prayers. Thinking of you all! We love you and care for you dearly! Keep fighting!
Prayers that little Jack Henry’s NEC has been alleviated and that God‘s will would be to heal Jack‘s abdomen. May you all be healthy, well and maintaining your marathon of life! God, keep your hedge of protection around the Martins and shower your abiding love on them.💞
Dear John and Lisa, Cristina and I continue to pray for you and Jack. Thanks so much for your posts.
Officially past a month, or just about! Just checking in and letting you all know that we are still praying for Jack and the family. We love you and know that Hod is faithful to answer our prayers. God’s speed!