UPDATE 3:00PM 12/07/18 It’s a good day. Jack is holding his own. The doctors are very encouraged by how strong he is and have mentioned many times how well he has tolerated the surgeries. We are just about through the 24hr “danger zone” post PDA surgery. It was a tough night as they expected but he is bouncing back like a champ and the heart surgery is already benefitting him. Praise the Lord!
UPDATE 4:19PM 12/06/18
I'm so grateful to report that Jack is out of surgery and doing well. We got an excellent debrief from the surgeon. The moment they applied the clip to the PDA his blood pressure came up and settled into a healthy range. They expect Jack to have a rough night and it will be 12-24 hours before he’s out of the danger zone due to the risk of bleeding and post ligation syndrome (low cardiac output). For a 26 week micro-premie who has had two major surgeries in one week he is doing very well. He’s a fighter! More updates to come. Thank you for your support and prayers!

Sending love your way!!
We are still in prayer for you all: the salvation for the girls and recovery for Jack!!
Thanks for taking the time to post these updates, John. You, Lisa, and Jack are constantly in our prayers and in our hearts.
There is none like God, O Jeshurun, who rides through the heavens to your help, through the skies in his majesty. The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. (Deuteronomy 33:26–27)
I look at that little peanut and see the power of God....great and merciful! Keep strong, tiny Jack Henry, you are loved and prayed for by many. 💛
"Wow" for the 3:00 p.m. Update on December 7, 2018, almost 24 hours since the PDA surgery. We are rejoicing in the Lord, and we are rejoicing with you-three (John and Lisa and you mighty tiny Jack Henry, aka "The Champ"). The doctor's remarks about his strength to handle these surgeries is very encouraging! Yep! The Lord has made him strong, enduring, patient and resilient! Wow! "Go, Champ, Go!"
How amazing that they can successfully operate on one so tiny! I praise God with you that the results were so quickly seen and ask that he would remain free from infection!